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Secret is an object that contains sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. It is used to pass secret values to the tools that don't have a proper support of secret engines. allows for two ways of working with secrets.

SOPS secrets

See SOPS installation instructions in official repo.

Secrets are encoded/decoded with SOPS utility that supports AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault and PGP keys. How to use:

  1. Use console client to create a new secret from scratch:

    cdev secret create
  2. Use interactive menu to create a secret.

  3. Edit the secret and set secret data in encrypted_data: section.

  4. Use references to the secret data in a stack template (you can find the examples in the generated secret file).

AWS Secrets Manager client can use AWS SSM as a secret storage. How to use:

  1. Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager using AWS CLI or web console. Both raw and JSON data formats are supported.

  2. Use console client to create a new secret from scratch:

    cdev secret create
  3. Answer the questions. For the Name of secret in AWS Secrets Manager enter the name of the AWS secret created above.

  4. Use references to the secret data in a stack template (you can find the examples in the generated secret file).

To list and edit any secret, use the commands:

cdev secret ls


cdev secret edit secret_name

Secrets reference

You can refer to a secret data in stack files with {{ .secrets.secret_name.secret_key }} syntax.

For example, we have a secret in AWS Secrets Manager and want to refer to the secret in our stack.yaml:

name: my-aws-secret
kind: Secret
driver: aws_secretmanager
    region: eu-central-1
    aws_secret_name: pass

In order to do this, we need to define the secret as {{ }} in the stack.yaml:

name: my-stack
template: https://<template.git.url>
kind: Stack
  region: eu-central-1
  name: my-test-stack
  password: {{ }}