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Units are fundamental components forming the basis of stack templates. They can include Terraform modules, Helm charts for installation, or Bash scripts for execution. Units may reside remotely or within the same repository as other code. These units may reference necessary files, which should be located within the current directory (in the context of the stack template). Since some of these files are rendered with project data, you can use Go templates in them.


You can pass variables across units within the stack template by using outputs or remoteState.

All units described below have a common format and common fields. Base example:

  - name: k3s
    type: tfmodule
      - this.unit1_name
      - this.unit2_name
#   depends_on: this.unit1_name # is allowed to use string for single, or list for multiple dependencies
      command: "echo pre_hook"
      # script: "./scripts/"
      on_apply: true
      on_destroy: false
      on_plan: false
      # command: "echo post_hook"
      script: "./scripts/"
      on_apply: true
      on_destroy: false
      on_plan: false
  • name - unit name. Required.

  • type - unit type. One of: shell, tfmodule, helm, kubernetes, printer.

  • depends_on - string or list of strings. One or multiple unit dependencies in the format "stack_name.unit_name". Since the name of the stack is unknown inside the stack template, you can use "this" instead:"this.unit_name.output_name".

  • pre_hook and post_hook blocks: See the description in Shell unit.