Style guide ¶
For better experience, we recommend using VS Code - we have a list of recommended extensions to prevent many common errors, improve code and save time.
We use .editorconfig. It fixes basic mistakes on every file saving.
Please make sure to install pre-commit-terraform with all its dependencies. It checks all changed files when you run git commit
for more complex problems and tries to fix them for you.
Bash ¶
Firstly, please install shellcheck to have vscode-shellcheck extension working properly.
We use Google Style Guide.
Terraform ¶
We use Terraform Best code style and conceptions.
Autogenerated Documentation ¶
For the successful module documentation initialization, you need to create
It is needed for terraform-docs hooks. The hook rewrites all the things inside with every .tf
file change.
Then run pre-commit run --all-files
or make some changes in any .tf
file in the same dir (for ex. variable "name" {
-> variable "name"{