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Cluster State state is a dataset representing the current infrastructure state. It maps real-world resources to your configuration, tracks changes, and stores dependencies between units. works with both cdev and Terraform states. The cdev state is an abstraction over the Terraform state, streamlining state validation for efficiency. Refer to the official documentation for more details on Terraform state.

Cdev and Terraform states can be stored locally or remotely, determined by the backend configuration. By default, uses a local backend to store the cluster state unless a remote storage location is specified in the project.yaml:

  name: dev
  kind: Project
  backend: aws-backend
    region: eu-central-1
    state_bucket_name: test-tmpl-dev

State is generated during the unit application stage. When changes are made to a project, constructs state based on the current project, considering the modifications. It then compares the current and desired configurations, highlighting the differences – the units to be modified, applied, or destroyed. Running cdev apply deploys the changes and updates the state.

Units that fail with an error during cdev apply or cdev destroy, or those partially applied due to an aborted process, are marked as tainted in the state.

While deleting the cdev state is discouraged, it is not critical, unlike Terraform state. units, being Terraform-based, maintain their own states. In the event of deletion, the state will be redeployed with the next cdev apply."

Use dedicated commands to interact with the cdev state. Manual editing of the state file is highly discouraged.