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Shell Unit

Executes Shell commands and scripts.

Example usage

Example of a shell unit that creates an index.html file with a greeting message and downloads the file into an S3 bucket. The bucket name is passed as a variable:

  - name: upload-web
    type: shell
        - aws s3 cp ./index.html s3://{{ }}/index.html
    - file: ./index.html
      content: |
        <h1> Hello from {{ .variables.organization }} </h1>
        This page was created automatically by cdev tool.

Complete reference example:

  - name: my-tf-code
    type: shell
      AWS_PROFILE: {{ .variables.aws_profile }}
      TF_VAR_region: {{ .project.region }}
      - file: ./terraform.tfvars
        content: |
{{- range $key, $value := .variables.tfvars }}
        $key = "$value" 
{{- end}}
    work_dir: ~/env/prod/
        - terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars {{ range $key, $value := .variables.vars_list }} -var="$key=$value"{{ end }}
        - terraform plan
        - terraform destroy
        - rm ./.terraform
    outputs: # how to get outputs
      type: json (regexp, separator)
      regexp_key: "regexp"
      regexp_value: "regexp"
      separator: "="
      command: terraform output -json
        - file: ./my_text_file.txt
          mode: 0644
          content: "some text"
        - file: ./my_text_file2.txt
          content: "some text 2"


  • force_apply - bool, optional. By default is false. If set to true, the unit will be applied when any dependent unit is changed.

  • env - map, optional. The list of environment variables that will be exported before executing commands of this unit. The variables defined in shell unit have a priority over variables defined in the project (the option exports) and will rewrite them.

  • work_dir - string, required. The working directory within which the code of the unit will be executed.

  • apply - optional, map. Describes commands to be executed when running cdev apply. For details see below.

  • plan - optional, map. Describes commands to be executed when running cdev plan. For details see below.

  • destroy - optional, map. Describes commands to be executed when running cdev destroy. For details see below.

  • outputs - optional, map. Describes how to get outputs from a command. For details see below.

  • create_files - list of files, optional. The list of files that have to be saved in the state in case of their changing.

  • pre_hook and post_hook blocks: describe the shell commands to be executed before and after the unit, respectively. The commands will be executed in the same context as the actions of the unit. Environment variables are common to the shell commands, the pre_hook and post_hook scripts, and the unit execution. You can export a variable in the pre_hook and it will be available in the post_hook or in the unit. For details see below.


  • init - optional. Describes commands to be executed prior to running cdev apply.

  • commands - list of strings, required. The list of commands to be executed when running cdev apply.


  • init - optional. Describes commands to be executed prior to running cdev plan.

  • commands - list of strings, required. The list of commands to be executed when running cdev plan.


  • init - optional. Describes commands to be executed prior to running cdev destroy.

  • commands - list of strings, required. The list of commands to be executed when running cdev destroy.


  • type - string, required. A type of format to deliver the output. Could have 3 options: JSON, regexp, separator. According to the type specified, further options will differ.

  • JSON - if the type is defined as JSON, outputs will be parsed as key-value JSON. This type of output makes all other options not required.

  • regexp - if the type is defined as regexp, this introduces an additional required option regexp. Regexp is a regular expression which defines how to parse each line in the module output. Example:

outputs: # how to get outputs
  type: regexp
  regexp: "^(.*)=(.*)$"
  command: | 
  echo "key1=val1\nkey2=val2"
  • separator - if the type is defined as separator, this introduces an additional option separator (string). Separator is a symbol that defines how a line is divided in two parts: the key and the value.
outputs: # how to get outputs
  type: separator
  separator: "="
  command: |
  echo "key1=val1\nkey2=val2"
  • command - string, optional. The command to take the outputs from. Is used regardless of the type option. If the command is not defined, cdev takes the outputs from the apply command.

pre_hook and post_hook blocks

  • command - string. Shell command in text format. Will be executed in Bash -c "command". Can be used if the "script" option is not used. One of command or script is required.

  • script - string. Path to shell script file which is relative to template directory. Can be used if the "command" option is not used. One of command or script is required.

  • on_apply bool, optional. Turn off/on when unit applying. Default: "true".

  • on_destroy - bool, optional. Turn off/on when unit destroying. Default: "false".

  • on_plan - bool, optional. Turn off/on when unit plan executing. Default: "false".