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AWS-K3s Prometheus

The code, the text, and the screencast prepared by Oleksii Kurinnyi, a monitoring engineer at SHALB.


In this section we will use and modify the basic AWS-K3s template to deploy the Prometheus monitoring stack to a cluster. As a result, we will have a K3s cluster on AWS with a set of required controllers (Ingress, cert-manager, Argo CD) and installed kube-prometheus stack. The code samples are available in the GitHub repository.



We should have some client host with Ubuntu 20.04 to use this manual without any customization.


We should install Docker to the client host.

AWS account

  • Log in to an existing AWS account or register a new one.

  • Select an AWS region in order to deploy the cluster in that region.

  • Add a programmatic access key for a new or existing user. Note that it should be an IAM user with granted administrative permissions.

  • Open bash terminal on the client host.

  • Get an example environment file env to set our AWS credentials:

        curl > env
  • Add the programmatic access key to the environment file env:

        editor env

Create and deploy the project

Get example code

mkdir -p cdev && mv env cdev/ && cd cdev && chmod 777 ./
alias cdev='docker run -it -v $(pwd):/workspace/cluster-dev --env-file=env clusterdev/'
cdev project create
curl > stack.yaml
curl > project.yaml
curl > monitoring.yaml

Create S3 bucket to store the project state

Go to AWS S3 and create a new bucket. Replace the value of state_bucket_name key in config file project.yaml by the name of the created bucket:

editor project.yaml

Customize project settings

We will set all the settings needed for our project in the project.yaml config file. All the variables that have # example comment in the end of a line should be customized.

Select AWS region

The value of the region key in the config file project.yaml should be replaced by our region.

Set unique cluster name

By default we will use the domain as a root domain for cluster ingresses. We should also replace the value of the cluster_name key by a unique string in config file project.yaml, because the default ingress will use it in the resulting DNS name.

This command will help us generate a random name and check whether it is in use:

CLUSTER_NAME=$(echo "$(tr -dc a-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 5)") 
dig argocd.${CLUSTER_NAME} | grep -q "^${CLUSTER_NAME}" || echo "OK to use cluster_name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}"

If the cluster name is available we should see the message OK to use cluster_name: ...

Set SSH keys

We should have access to cluster nodes via SSH. To add the existing SSH key we should replace the value of public_key key in config file project.yaml. If we have no SSH key, then we should create it.

Set Argo CD password

In our project we shall use Argo CD to deploy our applications to the cluster. To secure Argo CD we should replace the value of argocd_server_admin_password key by a unique password in config file project.yaml. The default value is a bcrypted password string.

To encrypt our custom password we can use an online tool or encrypt the password by command:

alias cdev_bash='docker run -it -v $(pwd):/workspace/cluster-dev --env-file=env --network=host --entrypoint="" clusterdev/ bash'
password=$(tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9,._! </dev/urandom | head -c 20)
apt install -y apache2-utils && htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" ${password} | tr -d ':\n' ; echo ''
echo "Password: $password"

Set Grafana password

Now we are going to add a custom password for Grafana. To secure Grafana we should replace the value of the grafana_password key by a unique password in config file project.yaml. This command will help us generate a random password:

echo "$(tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9,._! </dev/urandom | head -c 20)"

Run Bash in container

To avoid installation of all needed tools directly to the client host, we will run all commands inside the container. In order to execute Bash inside the container and proceed to deploy, run the command:


Deploy the project

Now we should deploy our project to AWS via cdev command:

cdev apply -l debug | tee apply.log

Where deployment is successful, we should get further instructions on how to access Kubernetes, and the URLs of Argo CD and Grafana web UIs. Sometimes, because of DNS update delays we need to wait a while to access those web UIs. In this instance we can forward all needed services via kubectl to the client host:

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 18080:443  > /dev/null 2>&1 &
kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring-grafana -n monitoring 28080:80  > /dev/null 2>&1 &

We may test our forwards via curl:


If we see no errors from curl, then the client host should access these endpoints via any browser.

Destroy the project

We can delete our cluster with the command:

cdev apply -l debug
cdev destroy -l debug | tee destroy.log


In this section we have learnt how to deploy the Prometheus monitoring stack with the AWS-K3s template. The resulting stack allows us to monitor workloads in our cluster. We can also reuse the stack as a prepared infrastructure pattern to launch environments for testing monitoring cases, before applying them to production.