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Azure-AKS uses stack templates to generate users' projects in a desired cloud. Azure-AKS is a stack template that creates and provisions Kubernetes clusters in Azure cloud by means of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

On this page you will find guidance on how to start an AKS cluster on Azure using one of the prepared samples – the Azure-AKS stack template. Running the example code will have the following resources created:

  • Azure DNS Zone

  • Azure Virtual Network

  • AKS Kubernetes cluster with addons:

    • cert-manager

    • ingress-nginx

    • external-secrets (with Azure Key Vault backend)

    • external-dns

    • argocd


  1. Terraform version 1.4+

  2. Azure account and a subscription

  3. Azure CLI installed and configured with your Azure account

  4. kubectl installed

  5. client installed

  6. Parent Domain

Quick Start

  1. Clone example project:

    git clone
    cd examples/

  2. Update project.yaml:

    name: demo-project
    kind: Project
    backend: azure-backend
      location: eastus
      resource_group_name: cdevResourceGroup
      state_storage_account_name: cdevstates
      state_container_name: tfstate

  3. Create the Azure Storage Account and a container for Terraform backend:

    az group create --name cdevResourceGroup --location EastUS
    az storage account create --name cdevstates --resource-group cdevResourceGroup --location EastUS --sku Standard_LRS
    az storage container create --name tfstate --account-name cdevstates

  4. It may be necessary to assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor and Storage Queue Data Contributor roles to your user account for the storage account:

    STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID=$(az storage account show --name cdevstates --query id --output tsv)
    USER_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query id --output tsv)
    az role assignment create --assignee "$USER_OBJECT_ID" --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID"
    az role assignment create --assignee "$USER_OBJECT_ID" --role "Storage Queue Data Contributor" --scope "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID"

  5. Edit variables in the example's files, if necessary.

  6. Run cdev plan

  7. Run cdev apply

  8. Set up DNS delegation for the subdomain by creating NS records for the subdomain in parent domain. Run cdev output

    domain =
    name_servers = [
    Add records from the name_server list.

  9. Connect to AKS cluster. Run cdev output

    kubeconfig_cmd = az aks get-credentials --name <aks-cluster-name> --resource-group <aks-cluster-resource-group> --overwrite-existing
    Execute the command in kubeconfig_cmd

  10. Retrieve the ArgoCD admin password:

    kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret  -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Destroy sample architecture

  1. Run cdev destroy

  2. Remove NS records for subdomain in parent domain.

  3. Delete Azure Storage Account and a container for Terraform backend:

    az group delete --name cdevResourceGroup